My Gangster List of Inspirational Inputs

Looking to start your day on a positive note? By starting each morning with “Possitive Input” be it a quote, video, podcast, or piece of literature, you can prime your subconscious for success and kindness, preventing reactive behavior influenced by others’ urgencies. This ritual enhances overall well-being and leadership qualities. I’ve also curated a listContinue reading My Gangster List of Inspirational Inputs


A young girl in a colorful dress draws with chalk on a black table

Ever felt like your true self is buried under layers of life’s experiences? At first, everyone is a blank canvas. Initially, we let others paint on us, but over time, these layers obscure our true selves. This piece encourages readers to peel back these layers, rediscover their authentic selves, and embrace the freedom to paintContinue reading Canvas

My Superpower

A young girl in a bright pink hoodie looks out over a sea of fog atop rolling hills

Ever wondered if you’re truly being authentic and present? In my life, I encourage honesty about actions and motivations, honoring genuine expression and letting go of what doesn’t serve me. By emphasizing the importance of being present and mindful, it reminds us to appreciate the magic and beauty of each moment. Embrace gratitude, abundance, andContinue reading My Superpower