Daddy-Daughter Chat

Ever been reminded of life’s timeless and enduring moments from an unexpected source? Like the profound wisdom that can come from a simple reminder from a ten-year-old. These moments encourage us to appreciate and hold onto what truly matters, offering a perspective that transcends the fleeting nature of daily concerns. Find the full story here.

In This Person

Ever wondered how a simple meditation exercise could transform your perspective? In one expereince, a guided eye-gazing exercise cultivated deep empathy and connection with a stranger and highlighted the importance of seeing others’ hidden strengths and pain. Despite occasional lapses, practicing empathy has led to better business relationships and personal happiness. Read more of myContinue reading In This Person

The Memory Tree

A reflection on my 20-year journey of journaling, which began during a deployment to Iraq in 2003. This habit has had a transformative impact, capturing both life’s stresses and triumphs. Reading past entries, I find gratitude for the perspective gained on moments that once felt insurmountable but were merely speed bumps paving the way forContinue reading The Memory Tree

Burning Ships

Ever wondered what it takes to achieve life’s greatest accomplishments? Life’s greatest achievements often lie on the other side of courage, risk, and sacrifice. Sometimes, you have to take bold, irreversible actions—like leaving a bad marriage, quitting a stable job, or pursuing a creative dream—despite the doubts and criticisms from others. Ultimately, great things areContinue reading Burning Ships